2001.09–2004.06 吉林大学(农学部,原解放军军需大学),分子遗传学,博士
1998.09–2001.06 吉林大学(农学部,原解放军农牧大学),遗传育种学,硕士
1994.09–1998.06 吉林大学(农学部,原解放军农牧大学),园艺学,学士
2019.02至今 澳门尼威斯人网站8311,教授
2013.06–2019.01 中科院武汉植物园,研究员(中科院人才计划)
2010.10–2013.05 沙特阿拉伯国王科技大学植物逆境基因组研究中心,博士后
2007.01–2010.09 美国普渡大学园艺系,博士后
2004.09–2006.10 清华大学生物科学与技术系,在职博士后
2004.07–2006.12 吉林大学农学部植物科学学院,讲师
四、 科研项目
1. “十四五”国家重点研发计划课题: 重要工业原料林良种选育技术研究,2023.12-2028.11,主持。
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:拟南芥叶片蜡质初级醇合成新机制的研究,2024年1月-2027年12月,主持。
3. 湖北省自然科学基金创新群体: 旱稻干旱适应的遗传基础及优异种质资源的利用,2023年7月-2026年6月,主持。
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:拟南芥β-酮脂酰辅酶A合成酶3(KCS3)作为负调节因子参与蜡质合成的分子机制解析,2021.01–2024.12,主持
5. “十三五”国家重点研发计划:林业资源培育及高效利用技术创新重点专项子课题,油桐副产品高值化加工利用关键技术研究,2017.07–2020.12,主持
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:拟南芥miR156调节表皮蜡质合成的功能及机理解析,2016.01–2019.12,主持
7. 中科院海外科教项目:非洲植物天然产物开发与利用研究,2016.01–2020.12,主持
8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:拟南芥蜡质合成相关基因CER16的功能解析,2014.01–2017.12,主持
9. 中科院知识创新项目:能源植物油桐新种质创制,2016.01–2018.12,主持
10. 中国科学院战略生物资源服务网络计划植物种质资源创新平台项目:新兴工业原料植物山桐子新种质创制,2016.11–2018.06,主持
11. 中科院海外科教基地项目:非洲油脂植物调查、收集与成分分析,2013.01–2015.12,主持
1. Su Yu, Feng Tao, Liu Chu-Bin, Huang Haodong, Wang Ya-Ling, Fu Xiaojuan, Han Mei-Ling, Zhang Xuanhao, Huang Xing, Wu Jia-Chen, Song Tao, Shen Hui, Yang Xianpeng, Xu Lin, Lü Shiyou*, Chao Dai-Yin*. (2024) The evolutionary innovation of root suberin lamellae contributed to the rise of seed plants. Nature Plants, doi: 10.1038/s41477-023-01555-1.
2. Huang Haodong, Yang Xianpeng, Zheng Minglü, Lü Shiyou* and Zhao Huayan*. (2023) Fine-tuning the activities of b-KETOACYL-COA SYNTHASE 3 (KCS3) and KCS12 in Arabidopsis is essential for maintaining cuticle integrity. Journal of Experimental Botany, 74: 6575-6587.
3. Li Donghai, Zaman Wajid, Lu Jianjun, Niu Qingqing, Zhang Xuanhao, Ayaz Asma, Saqib Saddam, Yang Baiming, Zhang Jixing, Zhao Huayan *, Lü Shiyou *. (2023) Natural lupeol level variation among castor accessions and the upregulation of lupeol synthesis in response to light. Industrial Crops and Products. 192, 116090.
4. Zhang Lingling, Chen Junjie, Wassie Misganaw, Lü Shiyou,*, Chen Liang *. (2023) Molecular mechanism of differential development and lipid accumulation between two components in the seed of tung tree (Vernicia fordii Hemsl.) Industrial Crops and Products. 194, 116316.
5. Huang Haodong, Yang Xianpeng, Zheng Minglü, Chen Zexi, Yang Zhuo, Wu Pan, Jenks Matthew, Wang Guangchao, Feng Tao, Liu Li, Yang Pingfang, Lü Shiyou * and Zhao Huayan *. (2023) An ancestral role for 3-KETOACYL-COA SYNTHASE3 as a negative regulator of plant cuticular wax synthesis. Plant Cell, 35: 2251-2270.
6. Feng Tao, Wu Pan, Gao Huani, Kosma Dylan, Jenks Matthew, Lü Shiyou*. (2022) Natural variation in root suberization is associated with local environment in Arabidopsis thaliana. New Phytologist, 236, 385-398.
7. Li Shipeng, Yang Xianpeng, Huang Haodong, Qiao Rong, Jenks Matthew, Zhao Huayan, Lü Shiyou*. (2022) Arabidopsis ACYL-ACTIVATING ENZYME 9 (AAE9) encoding an isobutyl-CoA synthetase is a key factor connecting branched-chain amino acid catabolism with iso-branched wax biosynthesis. New Phytologist, 233, 2458–2470.
8. Liu Xiulin, Li Rongjun, Lu Wenying, Zhou Zilin, Jiang Xiaohan, Zhao Huayan, Yang Baiming, Lü Shiyou*. (2021) Transcriptome analysis identifies key genes involved in the regulation of epidermal lupeol biosynthesis in Ricinus communis. Industrial Crops and Products. 160, 113100.
9. Zhang Ping, Wang Ruling, Yang Xianpeng, Ju Qiong, Li Weiqiang, Lü Shiyou*, Tran Lam-Son Phan*, Xu Jin*. (2020) The R2R3-MYB transcription factor AtMYB49 modulates salt tolerance in Arabidopsis by modulating the cuticle formation and antioxidant defense. Plant Cell and Environment, 43: 1925-1943.r
10. Yang Xianpeng, Feng Tao, Li Shipeng, Zhao Huayan, Zhao Shuangshuang, Ma Changle, Jenks Matthew, Lü Shiyou*. (2020) CER16 inhibits post-transcriptional gene silencing of CER3 to regulate alkane biosynthesis. Plant Physiology, 182: 1211-1221.
11. Li Rong-Jun, Li Lin-Mao, Liu Xiu-Lin, Kim JC, Jenks MA, Lü Shiyou*. (2019) Diurnal Regulation of Plant Epidermal Wax Synthesis through Antagonistic Roles of the Transcription Factors SPL9 and DEWAX. Plant Cell, 31: 2711-2733.
12. Feng Tao, Yang Ya, Busta Lucas, Cahoon Edgar B, Wang Hengchang, Lü Shiyou*. (2019) FAD2 Gene Radiation and Positive Selection Contributed to Polyacetylene Metabolism Evolution in Campanulids. Plant Physiology, 181:714-728
13. Fan Wei, Lu Jianjun, Pan Cheng, Tan Meilian, Lin Qiang, Liu W, Li D, Wang L, Hu Lianlian, Wang L, Chen Chen, Wu Aimin, Yu X, Ruan J, Yu Jun, Hu Songnian, Yan Xingchu*, Lü Shiyou*, Cui Peng*. (2019) Sequencing of Chinese castor lines reveals genetic signatures of selection and yield-associated loci. Nature Communications, 10: 3418. doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-11228-3.
14. Cui Peng, Lin Qiang, Fang Dongming, Zhang Lingling, Li Rongjun, Cheng Junyong, Gao Fei, Shockey Jay, Hu Songnian, Lü Shiyou*. (2018) Tung tree (Vernicia fordii, Hemsl.) genome and transcriptome sequencing reveals coordinate upregulation of fatty acid beta-oxidation and triacylglycerol biosynthesis pathways during eleostearic acid accumulation in seeds. Plant and Cell Physiology, 59: 1990-2003.
15. Yang xianpeng, Zhao Huayan, Kosma Dylan, Tomasi Pernell, Dyer John, Li Rongjun, Liu Xiulin, Wang Zhouya, Parsons Eugene, Jenks Matthew, Lü Shiyou*. (2017). The Acyl Desaturase CER17 Is Involved in Producing Wax Unsaturated Primary Alcohols and Cutin Monomers. Plant Physiology, 173:1109-1124.
16. Zhao Huayan, Zhang Huoming, Cui Peng, Ding Feng, Wang Guangchao, Li Rongjun, Jenks Matthew, Lü Shiyou*, Xiong Liming*. (2014) The Putative E3 Ubiquitin Ligase ECERIFERUM9 Regulates Abscisic Acid Biosynthesis and Response during Seed Germination and Postgermination Growth in Arabidopsis, Plant Physiology, 165: 1255~1268.
17. Lü Shiyou*, Zhao Huayan, David Des Marais, Parsons Eugene, Wen Xiaoxue, Xu Xiaojing, Bangarusamy Dhinoth, Wang Guangchao, Roland Owen, Juenger Thomas, Bressan Ray, Jenks Matthew. (2012) Arabidopsis ECERIFERUM9 involvement in cuticle formation and maintenance of plant water status. Plant Physiology, 159: 930-944.
18. Lü Shiyou, Zhao Huayan, Parsons Eugene, Xu Changcheng, Kosma Dylan , Xu Xiaojing, Chao Daiyin, Lohrey Gregory, Bangarusamy Dhinoth, Wang Guangchao, Bressan Ray, Jenks Matthew. (2011) The glossyhead1 (gsd1) allele of ACC1 reveals a principal role for multi-domain ACETYL-COA CARBOXYLASE in the biosynthesis of cuticular waxes by Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology, 157: 1079-1092.
19. Lü Shiyou, Song Tao, Kosma Dylan, Parson Eugene, Rowland Owen, Jenks Matthew. (2009) Arabidopsis CER8 encodes a Long-Chain Acyl CoA Synthetase 1 (LACS1) and has overlapping functions with LACS2 in plant wax and cutin synthesis. Plant Journal, 59: 553-564.