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社会兼职:《Integrative Zoology》青年编委;《Frontiers in Physiology》、《Agronomy》、《Frontiers in Insect Science》等杂志客座编辑。中国植物保护学会青年委员会委员、国际动物学会青年委员会委员、武汉市动物学会常务理事
2011.09–2016.06 中国科学院动物研究所,生态学,博士
2007.09–2011.06 华中农业大学,理学学士
2018.05至今 澳门尼威斯人网站8311,副教授、教授
2017.06–2019.03 湖北大学材料科学与工程学院,博士后
2016.07–2017.06 南开大学,讲师
1. 国家自然科学基金(32370523):肠道细菌调控柳蓝叶甲产卵偏好的作用机制研究;2024,1-2027,12,主持
2. 国家自然科学基金(31971663):肠道细菌在dsRNA致死柳蓝叶甲中的协同机制;2020,1-2023,12,主持
3. 国家自然科学基金(31700569):肠道氧浓度下肠道细菌合成红脂大小蠹信息素能力的研究;2018,1-2020,12,主持
4. 湖北省杰出青年基金(2022CFA061);2022.10-2025.10,主持
5. 中国科协青年人才托举工程(2020QNRC001);2020.1-2022.12,主持
6. 中国博士后科学基金,特别资助(2018T110746):病原真菌调控红脂大小蠹肠道菌群的免疫机制研究; 2018,6-2019,6,主持
7. 中国博士后科学基金,面上项目(2017M622389):红脂大小蠹肠道细菌与病原真菌球孢白僵菌互作研究;2017,11-2019,6,主持
8. 湖北省人才项目,2018.07–2023.06,主持
9. 湖北省科协青年晨光计划(201910701314001);2019.1-2020.1,主持
1. Zhang S#,*, Zhang S#, Wang J#, Li X, Zhang Y, Zhou W*, Xu L*. 2024. Gut microbiota facilitate adaptation of invasive moths to new host plants. ISME J. wrae031.
2. Zhang Y#, Xu H#, Tu C, Han R, Luo J*, Xu L*. 2024. Enhanced Capacity of a Leaf Beetle to Combat Dual Stress from Entomopathogens and Herbicides Mediated by Associated Microbiota. Integrative Zoology. doi.org/10.1111/1749-4877.12812.
3. Guo D#, Ge J#, Tang Z, Tian B, Li W, Li C, Xu L*, Luo J*. 2024. Dynamic gut microbiota of Apolygus lucorum across different life stages reveals potential pathogenic bacteria for facilitating the pest management. Microbial Ecology.87:9.
4. Ma M#, Luo J#, Li C, Eleftherianos I, Zhang W*, Xu L*. 2024. A life-and-death struggle: interaction of insects with entomopathogenic fungi across various infection stages. Frontiers in Immunology. 14:1329843.
5. Zhang Y, Zhang S*, Xu L*. 2023. The pivotal roles of gut microbiota in insect plant interactions for sustainable pest management. npj Biofilms and Microbiomes. 9:66.
6. Yu J#, Li C#, Dong L, Mao R, Wang Z, Pei Z, Xu L*. 2023. Effects of Fluctuating Thermal Regimes and Pesticides on Egg Hatching of a Natural Enemy Harmonia axyridis (Coleoptera Coccinellidae). Agronomy. 13(6):1470.
7. Tu C#, Zhang Y#, Zhu P, Sun L, Xu P, Wang T, Luo J, Yu J*, Xu L*. 2023. Enhanced toxicity of entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana with bacteria expressing immune suppressive dsRNA in a leaf beetle. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 193: 105431.
8. Ma M#, Chen X#, Li S, Luo J, Han R, Xu L*. 2023. Composition and diversity of gut bacterial community in different life stages of a leaf beetle Gastrolina depressa. Microbial Ecology. 86(1): 590-600.
9. Bai J, Xu Z, Li Lu, Zhang Y, Diao J, Cao J, Xu L*, Ma L*. 2023. Gut bacterial microbiota of Lymantria dispar asiatica and its involvement in Beauveria bassiana infection. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 197:107897.
10. Zhu P#, Mamdouh B#, Magdy M, Chen J, Ma W*, Xu L*. 2023. Diet induced variation in gut microbiota is linked to the growth performance of an agricultural pest Chilo suppressalis. Agronomy. 13, 304.
11. Deng J, Xu W, Lv G, Yuan H, Zhang Q, Wickham J, Xu L*, Zhang L*. 2022. Associated bacteria of a pine sawyer beetle confer resistance to entomopathogenic fungi via fungal growth inhibition. Environmental Microbiome.17: 47.
12. Bai J#, Cao J#, Zhang Y, Xu Z, Li L, Liang L, Ma X, Ma W*, Xu L*, Ma L*. 2022. Comparative analysis of the immune system and expression profiling of Lymantria dispar infected by Beauveria bassiana. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology. 187: 105212.
13. Tu C, Xu P, Han R, Luo J, Xu L*. 2022. Defining Suitable Reference Genes for qRT-PCR in Plagiodera versicolora (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) under Different Biotic or Abiotic Conditions. Agronomy 12: 1192.
14. Long Y#, Gao T#, Liu S, Zhang Y, Li X, Zhou L, Su Q, Xu L*, Yang Y*. 2022. Analysis of the humoral immunal response transcriptome of Ectropis obliqua infected by Beauveria bassiana. Insects, 13(3), 225.
15. Liu Y#, Xu L#, Zhang Z, Huang Z, Fang D, Zheng X, Yang Z, Lu M*. 2022. Isolation, identification, and analysis of potential functions of culturable bacteria associated with an invasive gall wasp, Leptocybe invasa. Microbial Ecology.83(1):151-166.
16. Ma M, Liu P, Yu J, Han R, Xu L*. 2021. Preparing and rearing axenic insect of a leaf beetle with tissue cultured seedlings for host-gut microbiota interaction studies. Journal of Visualized Experiments. (176), e63195
17. Zhang W#, Liu F#, Zhu Y, Han R, Xu L*, Liu J*. 2021. Differing dietary nutrients and diet-associated bacteria has limited impact on spider gut microbiota composition. Microorganisms 9, 2358.
18. Xu L#, Xu S#, Sun L, Zhang Y, Luo J, Bock R, Zhang J*. 2021. Synergistic action of the gut microbiota in environmental RNA interference in a leaf beetle. Microbiome. 9:98.
19. Luo J#, Cheng Y#, Guo L, Wang A, Lu M*, Xu L*. 2021. Variation of gut microbiota caused by an imbalance diet is detrimental to bugs’ survival. Science of the Total Environment. 771:144880.
20. Ma M, Tu C, Luo J, Lu M, Zhang S*, Xu L*. 2021. Metabolic and immunological effects of gut microbiota in leaf beetles at the local and systemic levels. Integrative Zoology. 16:313-323. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
21. Ma M#, Guo L#, Tu C, Wang A, Xu L*, Luo J*. 2021. Comparative analysis of Adelphocoris suturalis Jakovlev (Hemiptera: Miridae) immune responses to fungal and bacterial pathogens. Frontiers in Physiology. doi: 10.3389/fphys.2021.646721.
22. Bai J, Xu Z, Li L, Ma W*, Xu L*, Ma L*. 2020. Temporospatial modulation of Lymantria dispar immune system against an entomopathogenic fungal infection. Pest Management Science. 76:3982-3989.
23. Luo J, Wang A, Cheng Y, Rong H, Guo L, Peng Y, Xu L*. 2020. Selection and Validation of Suitable Reference Genes for RT-qPCR Analysis in Apolygus lucorum (Heteroptera: Miridae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 113(1): 451-460.
24. Xu L#, Sun L#, Zhang S, Wang S, Lu M*. 2019. High resolution profiling of gut bacterial communities in an invasive beetle using PacBio SMRT sequencing system. Insects 10:248
25. Xu L#, Liu Y#, Xu S, Lu M*. 2019. Gut commensal bacteria in biological invasion. Integrative Zoology 14:613-618.
26. Wu Y#, Xu L#, Chang L, Ma M, You L, Jiang C, Li S, Zhang J*. 2019. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) cry1C expression from the plastid genome of poplar leads to high mortality of leaf eating caterpillars. Tree Physiology 39:1525-1532.
27. Xu L#, Deng J#, Zhou F, Cheng C, Zhang L*, Zhang J*, Lu M*. 2019. Gut microbiota in an invasive bark beetle infected by a pathogenic fungus accelerates beetle mortality. Journal of Pest Science 92(1):343-351 (ESI Highly Cited Paper).
28. Xu L*#, Zhang Y#, Zhang S#, Deng J, Lu M, Zhang L*, Zhang J*. 2018. Comparative analysis of the immune system of an invasive bark beetle, Dendroctonus valens, infected by an entomopathogenic fungus. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 88:65-69.
29. Xu D#, Xu L#, Zhou F, Wang B, Wang S, Lu M*, Sun J. 2018. Gut bacterial communities of Dendroctonus valens and monoterpenes and carbohydrates of Pinus tabuliformis at different attack densities to host pines. Frontiers in Microbiology 8(274).
30. Zhou F#, Xu L#, Wang S, Wang B, Lou Q, Lu M*, Sun J*. 2017. Bacterial volatile ammonia regulates the consumption sequence of D-pinitol and D-glucose in a fungus associated with an invasive bark beetle. ISME J 11:2809–2820.
31. Han R#, Xu L#, Wang T, Liu B, Wang L*. 2017. A small regulatory RNA contributes to the preferential colonization of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on the large intestine in response to a low concentration of DNA. Frontiers in Microbiology 8(274).
32. Xu L#, Lu M#, Xu D, Chen L, Sun J*. 2016. Sexual variation of bacterial microbiota of Dendroctonus valens guts and frass in relation to verbenone production. Journal of Insect Physiology 95:110-117.
33. Xu L, Shi Z, Wang B, Lu M*, Sun J. 2016. Pine defensive monoterpene α-pinene influences gut bacterial community composition of Dendroctonus valens. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 17(11):1734.
34. Xu L, Lou Q, Cheng C, Lu M*, Sun J*. 2015. Gut-associated bacteria of Dendroctonus valens and their involvement in verbenone production. Microbial Ecology 70:1012-1023.
35. Xu L, Lu M*, Sun J*. 2015. Invasive bark beetle associated microbes degrade a host defensive monoterpene. Insect Science 23:183-190 (Cover paper).
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