电子邮件:wyyuan(at)hubu.edu.cn, yuanwenya(at)126.com
2002.09–2009.06 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院,博士
1998.09–2002.06 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院,学士
2017.05至今 澳门尼威斯人网站8311,教授
2016.04–2017.02 诺莱生物医学研究院(北京)有限公司上海研发部,高级研发科学家
2014.07–2016.03 中科院植物逆境生物学研究中心,副研究员
2009.07–2014.06 新加坡国立大学/淡马锡生命科学实验室,博士后
1. 湖北省自然科学基金杰出青年人才项目(2019CFA096):拟南芥春化中CME-VALs-H3K27me3互作介导FLC沉默的遗传机制研究,2019.09–2022.08,主持人
2. 湖北省中央引导地方科技发展专项(2019ZYYD028):湖北省植物倍性种质创新与绿色应用工程研究中心创新平台建设,2019.07–2020.06,主持人
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31872811):VALs蛋白调控拟南芥开花的遗传机制,2019.01–2022.12,主持人
1. Li Yan#*, He Yizhou#, Qin Tian#, Guo Xuelian, Xu Kun, Xu Chunxue, Yuan Wenya* (2022). Functional conservation and divergence of miR156 and miR529 during rice development. The Crop Journal, (http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cj.2022.11.005). (SCI IF2021 = 4.647)
2. Zhang Biaoming#, Liu Mengting#, Wang Yanchao#, Yuan Wenya*, Zhang Haitao* (2022). Plant NLRs: evolving with pathogen effectors and engineerable to improve resistance. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13, 1018504. (SCI IF2021 = 6.064)
3. Li Yan#, He Yizhou#, Liu Zhixin, Qin Tian, Wang Lei, Chen Zhihui, Zhang Biaoming, Zhang Haitao, Li Haitao, Liu Li, Zhang Jian, Yuan Wenya* (2022). OsSPL14 acts upstream of OsPIN1b and PILS6b to modulate axillary bud outgrowth by fine-tuning auxin transport in rice. The Plant Journal, 111, 1167–1182. (SCI IF2021 = 7.091)
4. Chen Chuanyou#, Gong Xia#, Li Yan, Li Haitao, Zhang Haitao, Liu Li, Liang Dacheng, Yuan Wenya* (2022). Interaction analysis between the Arabidopsis transcription repressor VAL1 and transcription coregulators SIN3-LIKEs (SNLs). International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23, 6987. (SCI IF2021 = 6.208)
5. Zhang Biaoming, Han Xiaoyuan, Yuan Wenya*, Zhang Haitao* (2022). TALEs as double-edged swords in plant–pathogen interactions: Progress, challenges and perspectives. Plant Communications, 3, 100318. (SCI IF2021 = 8.625)
6. Zhou Ying#*, Lei Fang#, Wang Qiong, He Weicong, Yuan Bin, Yuan Wenya* (2020). Identification of novel alleles of the rice blast-resistance gene Pi9 through sequence-based allele mining. Rice, 13, 80. (SCI IF2020 = 4.783)
7. Wang Xiuping#, Liu Caixiang#, Li Hongqiang, Zhang Haitao, Ma Ruijing, Zhang Qinwen, Yang Fang, Yuan Wenya*, Chen Fangfang* (2019). Metabonomics-assisted label-free quantitative proteomics and transcriptome analysis reveals novel insights into antifungal mechanism of graphene oxide for controlling Fusarium graminearum. Environmental Science: Nano, 6, 3401–3421. (SCI IF2019 = 7.683)
8. Huang Fei#, Yuan Wenya#, Tian Shu, Zheng Qijie, He Yuehui* (2019). Gene mediated long-day induction of flowering but inhibit the floral transtion in short days through histone deacetylation in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 100, 101–113. (SCI IF2019 = 6.141)
9. Yuan Wenya, Luo Xiao, Li Zicong, Yang Wannian, Wang Yizhong, Liu Rui, Du Jiamu, He Yuehui* (2016). A cis cold memory element and a transepigenome reader mediate Polycomb silencing of FLC by vernalization in Arabidopsis. Nature Genetics, 48, 1527–1534. (SCI IF2016 = 27.959)
10. Yuan Wenya, Li Xingwang, Chang Yuxiao, Wen Ruoyu, Chen Guoxing, Zhang Qifa, Wu Changyin* (2009). Mutation of a rice gene PAIR3 encoding a coiled-coil protein results in defective chromosome pairing in meiosis. The Plant Journal, 59, 303–315. (SCI IF2009=6.946)
1. Wang Huimei#, Tong Xiaotong#, Tang Liqun#, Wang Yifeng, Zhao Juan, Li Zhiyong, Liu Xixi, Shu Yazhou, Yin Man, Adegoke Tosin Victor, Liu Wanning, Wang Shuang, Xu Huayu, Ying Jiezheng, Yuan Wenya, Yao Jialing, Zhang Jian* (2022). RLB (RICE LATERAL BRANCH) recruits PRC2-mediated H3K27 tri-methylation on OsCKX4 to regulate lateral branching. Plant Physiology, 188, 460–476. (SCI IF2021 = 8.005)
2. Deng Zhuying, Wu Huiyan, Li Dongyi, Li Luping, Wang Zhipeng, Yuan Wenya, Xing Yongzhong, Li Chendao, Liang Dacheng* (2021). Root-to-shoot long-distanse mobile miRNAs identified from Nicotiana rootstocks. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 22, 12821. (SCI IF2021 = 6.208)
3. Pu Xiaojun#, Yang Lixin#, Liu Lina, Dong Xiumei, Chen Silin, Chen Zexi, Liu Gaojing, Jia Yanxia, Yuan Wenya, Liu Li* (2020). Genome-wide analysis of the MYB transcription factor superfamily in Physcomitrella patens. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 21, 975. (SCI IF2020 = 5.923)
4. Bello Babatunde Kazeem#, Hou Yuxian#, Zhao Juan, Jiao Guiai, Wu Yawen, Li Zhiyong, Wang Yifeng, Tong Xiaohong, Wang Wei, Yuan Wenya, Wei Xiangjin, Zhang Jian* (2019). NF-YB1-YC12-bHLH144 complex directly activates Wx to regulate grain quality in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Biotechnology Journal, 17, 1222–1235. (SCI IF2019 = 8.154)
5. Wang Yizhong, Gu Xiaofeng, Yuan Wenya, Schmitz Robert J., He Yuehui* (2014). Photoperiodic control of the floral transition through a distinct polycomb repressive complex. Developmental Cell, 28, 727–736. (SCI IF2014 = 9.708)
6. Zhang Cuicui, Yuan Wenya, Zhang Qifa* (2012). RPL1, a gene involved in epigenetic processes regulates phenotypic plasticity in rice. Molecular Plant, 5, 482–493. (SCI IF2012 = 6.126)
7. Chang Yuxiao, Gong Liang, Yuan Wenya, Li Xingwang, Chen Guoxing, Li Xianghua, Zhang Qifa, Wu Changyin* (2009). Replication Protein A (RPA1a) is required for meiotic and somatic DNA repair but is dispensable for DNA replication and homologous recombination in rice. Plant Physiology, 151, 2162–2173. (SCI IF2009 = 6.235)
8. Wu Changyin, Li Xiangjun, Yuan Wenya, Chen Guoxing, Kilian Andrzej, Li Juan, Xu Caiguo, Li Xianghua, Zhou Daoxiu, Wang Shiping, Zhang Qifa* (2003). Development of enhancer trap lines for functional analysis of the rice genome. The Plant Journal, 35, 418–427. (SCI IF2003 = 5.914)
1. 刘莉、杨红、李萍、袁文雅;一种叶绿体蛋白和ATPase酶活性突变体在提高植物抗逆性中的应用,专利号:ZL 2019 1 0151790.6
2. 吴昌银、袁文雅、张启发;一种控制水稻花粉育性基因及应用,专利号:ZL 2006 1 0018575.1