1. 真核生物基因组重复序列的表观遗传动态变化及DNA损伤修复机理;
2. 重复序列在拟南芥及作物的多倍体基因组形成中的作用;
3. 外源转基因的基因组整合过程中的DNA损伤修复途径解析。
2001.09–2006.09 中国科学院遗传及发育生物学研究所,植物发育分子生物学,博士学位
1994.09–1998.06 北京大学澳门尼威斯人网站8311,植物分子生物学,学士学位
2019.03至今 澳门尼威斯人网站8311, 教授博士生导师
2015.07–2019.03 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所, 研究员博士生导师
2014.12–2015.06 美国德克萨斯州西南医学中心微生物系,研究助理
2009.11–2014.11 美国德克萨斯州西南医学中心生理系,博士后
2006.12–2009.09 中国科学院植物研究所信号中心,助理研究员
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:双生病毒诱导的植物类钙调蛋白rgsCaM在植物病毒症状中的作用,2017-2020,主持
2. 中国农业科学院青年英才计划A类引进启动项目,2015-2019,主持
3. 中科院院长奖获得者科研启动项目,2008-2011,主持
1. Farooq T, Liu D, Zhou X, Yang Q. (2019) Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus impairs photosynthesis in the infected Nicotiana benthamiana with βC1 as an aggravating factor. The Plant Pathology Journal 35, 521–529.
2. Qi S, He L, Zhang Q, Dong Q, Wang Y, Yang Q, Tian C, He Q, Wang Y. (2018) Cross-pathway control gene CPC1/GCN4 coordinates with histone acetyltransferase GCN5 to regulate catalase-3 expression under oxidative stress in Neurosporacrassa. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 117, 218–227.
3. Yang Q, Ding B, Zhou X. (2017) Geminiviruses and their application in biotechnology. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 16, 60345–60347
4. Yang Q, Yang X, Ding B, Zhou X. (2016) The application of geminiviruses in biotechnology. Scientia Sinica Vitae 46, 524–534.
5. Yang Q, Ye QA, Liu Y. (2015) Mechanism of small interfering RNA production from repetitive DNA. Genes & Development 29, 526–537.
6. Sun X#, Yang Q#, Deng Z, Ye X. (2014) Digital inventory of Arabidopsis transcripts revealed by 61 RNA sequencing samples. Plant Physiology 166, 869–878.
7. Zhang Z, Yang Q, Sun G, Chen S, He Q, Li S, Liu Y. (2014) Histone H3K56 acetylation is required for quelling-induced small RNA production through its role in homologous recombination. The Journal of Biological Chemistry 289, 9365–9371.
8. Yang Q, Li L, Xue Z, Ye Q, Zhang L, Li S, Liu Y. (2013) Transcription of the major Neurospora microRNA-like small RNAs relies on RNA polymerase III. PLoS Genetics 9, e1003227.
9. Shi M, Xie Y, Zheng Y, Wang J, Su Y, Yang Q, Huang S (2012) Oryza sativa actin-interacting protein 1 is required for rice growth via promoting actin turnover. The Plant Journal 73, 747–760.
10. Dang Y, Yang Q, Xue Z, Liu Y. (2011) RNA interference in fungi: pathways, functions, and applications. Eukaryotic Cell 10, 1148–1155.
11. Lee HC, Aalto AP, Yang Q, Chang SS, Huang G, Fisher D, Cha J, Poranen MM, Dennis H. Bamford DH, Liu Y. (2010) The DNA/RNA-dependent RNA polymerase QDE-1 generates aberrant RNA and dsRNA for RNAi in a process requiring replication protein A and a DNA helicase. PLoS Biology 8, e1000496.
12. XueY#, Zhang Y#, Yang Q#, Li Q, Zhukuan Cheng Z, Hugh D. (2009) Genetic features of a pollen-part mutation suggest an inhibitory role for the Antirrhinum pollen self-incompatibility determinant. Plant Molecular Biology 70, 499–509.
13. Zhang D, Yang Q, Ding Y, Cao X, Xue Y, Cheng Z. (2008) Cytological characterization of the tandem repetitive sequences and their methylation status in the Antirrhinum majus genome. Genomics 92, 107–114.
14. Yang Q, Zhang D, Li Q, Cheng Z, Xue Y. (2007) Heterochromatic and genetic features are consistent with recombination suppression of the self-incompatibility locus in Antirrhinum. The Plant Journal 51, 140–151.
15. Huang J, Zhao L, Yang Q, Xue Y. (2006) AhSSK1, a novel SKP1-like protein that interacts with the S-locus F-box protein SLF. The Plant Journal 46, 780–793.
16. Bao W, Zhang W, Yang Q, Zhang Y, Han B, Gu M, Xue Y, Cheng Z. (2006) Diversity of centromeric repeats in two closely related wild rice species, Oryza officinalis and Oryzarhizomatis. Molecular Genetics and Genomics 275, 421–430.
17. Zhang D#, Yang Q#, Bao W, Zhang Y, Han B, Xue Y, Cheng Z. (2005) Cytological characterization of the Antirrhinum majus genome. Genetics 169, 325–335.