2009.09–2014.12 江南大学,发酵工程专业 博士
2005.09–2009.07 山西农业大学,生物工程专业 学士
2020.06 湖北大学博士后,讲师,副教授
2016.01–2020.01 得州大学圣安东尼奥分校 博士后
2015.03–2015.12 乔治亚州立大学,博士后
1. 国家重点研发计划子课题,70万,2021.12–2025.11,子课题负责人
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,30万,2022.01–2024.12,主持
1. Yang, Y.#, Min, J.#, Xue, T.#, Jiang, P., Liu, X., Peng, R., Huang, J.-W., Qu, Y., Ma, N., Tsai, F.-C., Dai, L., Zhang, Q., Liu, Y.*, Chen, C.-C.*, and Guo, R.-T.* Nature Communications (2023) Complete bio-degradation of poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) via engineered cutinases. 14, 1645. (降解多聚物PBAT)
2. Yang, Y.#, Ko, T. P.#, Liu, L., Li, J., Huang, C. H., Chan, H. C., Ren, F., Jia, D., Wang, A. H. J., Guo, R. T.*, Chen, J.*, and Du, G.* ChemBioChem (2014) Structural insights into enzymatic degradation of oxidized polyvinyl alcohol. 15, 1882-1886. (降解多聚物PVA, Cover Story)
3. Yang, Y., Liu, L., Li, J., Du, G.*, and Chen, J.* Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2014) Biochemical characterization and high-level production of oxidized polyvinyl alcohol hydrolase from Sphingopyxis sp. 113P3 expressed in methylotrophic Pichia pastoris. 37, 777-782.
4. Yang, Y., Zhang, D., Liu, S., Jia, D., Du, G.*, and Chen, J.* Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology (2012) Expression and fermentation optimization of oxidized polyvinyl alcohol hydrolase in E. coli. 39, 99-104.
5. Chen, C.-C.#, Han, X.#, Li, X.#, Jiang, P., Niu, D., Ma, L., Liu, W., Li, S., Qu, Y., Hu, H., Min, J., Yang, Y., Zhang, L., Zeng, W., Huang, J. W.*, Dai, L.*, Guo, R. T.* Nature Catalysis (2021) General features to enhance enzymatic activity of poly(ethylene terephthalate) hydrolysis. 4, 425-430. (降解多聚物PET)
6. Li, H.#, Yang, Y.#, Hu, Y.#, Chen, C.-C., Huang, J.-W., Min, J., Dai, L.*, and Guo, R.-T.* Journal of Hazardous Materials (2022) Structural analysis and engineering of aldo-keto reductase from glyphosate-resistant Echinochloa colona. 129191.
7. Wang, T.#, Yang, Y.#, He, M., Liu, M., Huang, J.-W., Min, J., Chen, C.-C., Liu, Y.*, Zhang, L.*, and Guo, R.-T.* International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (2022) Structural insights into the cyclization of unusual brasilane-type sesquiterpenes.
8. Mao, Z.#, Xiao, H.#, Shen, P.#, Yang, Y.#, Xue, J., Yang, Y., Shang, Y., Zhang, L., Li, X., Zhang, Y., Du, Y., Chen, C-C., Guo, R-T.*, and Zhang, Y.* Cell Discovery (2022) KRAS(G12D) can be targeted by potent inhibitors via formation of salt bridge. 8(1): 5.
9. Yang, Y., Borel, T., de Azambuja, F., Johnson, D., Sorrentino, J. P., Udokwu, C., Davis, I., Liu, A.*, and Altman, R. A*. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2021) Diflunisal derivatives as modulators of ACMS decarboxylase targeting the tryptophan–kynurenine pathway. 64, 797-811.
10. Yang, Y., Davis, I., Matsui, T., Rubalcava, I., and Liu, A.* Journal of Biological Chemistry (2019) Quaternary structure of α-amino-β-carboxymuconate-ϵ-semialdehyde decarboxylase (ACMSD) controls its activity. 294, 11609-11621. (Cover Story)
11. Yang, Y., Liu, F.*, and Liu, A.* Journal of Biological Chemistry (2018) Adapting to oxygen: 3-Hydroxyanthrinilate 3, 4-dioxygenase employs loop dynamics to accommodate two substrates with disparate polarities. 293, 10415-10424. (Cover Story)
12. Yang, Y.#, Davis, I.#, Ha, U., Wang, Y., Shin, I., and Liu, A.* Journal of Biological Chemistry (2016) A pitcher-and-catcher mechanism drives endogenous substrate isomerization by a dehydrogenase in kynurenine metabolism. 291, 26252-26261. (JBC paper of the week)
13. Wang, Y.#, Liu, K. F.#, Yang, Y., Davis, I., and Liu, A.* Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. (2020) Observing 3-hydroxyanthranilate-3,4-dioxygenase in action through a crystalline lens. 117, 19720-19730.
14. Davis, I., Yang, Y., Wherritt, D., and Liu, A.* Journal of Biological Chemistry (2018) Reassignment of the human aldehyde dehydrogenase ALDH8A1 (ALDH12) to the kynurenine pathway in tryptophan catabolism. 293, 9594-9603.
1. Yu Yang; Protein quaternary structure as a means to regulate enzyme activity in the kynurenine pathway, The A. I. Scott Symposium for Biological Chemistry, Texas A&M University, Texas, 2018-10-19至2018-10-20 (口头报告)
2. 杨钰; 靶向从头合成NAD+的人源脱羧酶ACMSD抑制剂的虚拟筛选、合成及作用机制研究, 202112国际药学暨湖北省药化与抗生素学术年会, 武汉大学,武汉,湖北省, 2021-11-06至2021-11-07 (口头报告,优秀报告奖)
3. Yu Yang; Mechanistic Enzymology of Tryptophan Kynurenine Pathway: An Update, The 8th Texas Enzyme Mechanisms Conference, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, 2020-01-05至2020-01-06
4. Yu Yang; Protein Quaternary Structure as a Mean to Regulate Enzyme Activity in the Kynurenine Pathway, The 26th Enzyme Mechanisms Conference, New Orleans, LA, 2019-01-05至2019-01-09
5. Yu Yang; Weak Protein-Protein Interactions Modulate α-Amino-β-Carboxymuconate-ε-Semialdehyde Decarboxylase Activity and Product Distribution Profile of the Kynurenine Pathway, The 7th Texas Enzyme Mechanisms Conference, UT Austin, Austin, TX, 2018-01-05至2018-01-06
1. 湖北省省级人才(2022)