学术兼职:Plant Comm、Mol Breeding、Planta等杂志审稿人
2004.09–2011.12 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院生化与分子生物学专业,理学博士,导师:王石平
2000.09–2004.07 华中农业大学生命科学技术学院生物科学专业,理学学士
2017.10至今 澳门尼威斯人网站8311,副教授
2020.01–2021.01 美国密歇根州立大学,访问学者
2012.01–2017.07 华中农业大学作物遗传改良国家重点实验室水稻抗病研究室工作,Research Associate;2014.12月,获副研究员资格
1. 国家自然科学基金(31200912):一个水稻持久抗病基因识别的病原菌分泌物的鉴定;经费22万元;2013.1–2015.12,主持人
1. Zhang B#, Liu M#, Wang Y#, Yuan W*, Zhang H*. Plant NLRs: Evolving with pathogen effectors and engineerable to improve resistance. Front Microbiol, 2022, 13:1018504
2. Zhang B, Han X, Yuan W*, Zhang H*. TALEs as double-edged swords in plant-pathogen interactions: Progress, challenges, and perspectives. Plant Commun, 2022, 3:100318
3. Yang Z#, Hui S#, Lv Y, Zhang M, Chen D, Tian J, Zhang H, Liu H, Cao J, Xie W, Wu C, Wang S*, Yuan M*. miR395-regulated sulfate metabolism exploits pathogen sensitivity to sulfate to boost immunity in rice. Mol Plant, 2022, 15:671-88
4. Zhang B, Zhang H*, Li F, Ouyang Y, Yuan M, Li X, Xiao J, Wang S*. Multiple Alleles Encoding Atypical NLRs with Unique Central Tandem Repeats in Rice Confer Resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae. Plant Commun, 2020, 1:100088
5. Hu K, Cao J, Zhang J, Xia F, Ke Y, Zhang H, Xie W, Liu H, Cui Y, Cao Y, Sun X, Xiao J, Li X, Zhang Q, Wang S*. Improvement of multiple agronomic traits by a disease resistance gene via cell wall reinforcement. Nat Plants, 2017, 3:17009
6. Zhang H, Tao Z, Hong H, Chen Z, Wu C, Li X, Xiao J, Wang S*. Transposon-derived small RNA is responsible for modified function of WRKY45 locus. Nature Plants, 2016, 2:16016
7. Hong H#, Liu Y#, Zhang H, Xiao J, Li X, Wang S*. Small RNAs and Gene Network in a Durable Disease Resistance Gene--Mediated Defense Responses in Rice. PLoS One, 2015, 10:e0137360
8. Zhang H, Wang S*. Rice versus Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae: a unique pathosystem. Curr Opin Plant Biol, 2013, 16:188-195
9. Zhang H, Cao Y, Zhao J, Li X, Xiao J, Wang S*. A pair of orthologs of a leucine-rich repeat receptor kinase-like disease resistance gene family regulates rice response to raised temperature. BMC Plant Biology, 2011, 11:160 (Highly accessed)
Comment in:
Walbot V. How plants cope with temperature stress. BMC Biol, 2011, 9:79